Thank´s to my Mum I found great colors for painting on textile,so I decided to paint some stuff. I started with jeans material.Later I painted also on hoodies,tank tops,t-shirts or shoes.
The colors are really good,because they are acrylic,so u can mix them together and with wather,too.
U just paint with the brush at the textile and after you´re finished,u just iron the painting and it will hold on it forever.Trust me I tested it!
Here are some examples of my works:
This is a jeans jacket I painted for my friend Terezka,my dog Jakub is on it
This jacket was painted for my best friend from Prague Helenka,for her birthday.I painted her a tank top with her dog Jack before,but now I wanted to make something special for her.
So I decided to make her a jacket with her and mine dog.
It ´s funny because our dogs don´t like each other,so it´s the only Picture where they are together

This one I painted for myself.I call it the "Handygirl",because it ś from my favourite theme and represents the way I paint.
This reagea lion found his home at my friend Dominika.Because I just love her way of life.
This jacket I painted for my friend Karolina,because she´s a deer like me:-).