23 July 2014

Shoe remake II.

Ooups ! I did it again...I remade a little .
I turned my old,light blue slip-ons into new peacock / jungle green ones.
It was not too hard and it took less than six hours.

Again I used my favourite textile colors and the thinnest brushs I had at home.
It´s summer so I chose the green shades for the backround.
I paint slurries with wather on the palette and than applied on the shoe.
On the Picture u can see the difference between the old color of the shoe and the green shades.
After application the substrate must be dried well.
Then I started to paint the peacock feathers design on the green bacround.
I used also black textile color for it.
Then u only  need a great deal of patience and steady hand.
After u finished the painting u just iron the dried design and it´s ready to wear.