02 March 2015

Shoes for Zuzička

Anyone Who knows me good ,knows I love my friends.
They are very smart people who are involved  in a number of sports and They are a great inspiration for me.
Therefore it is always a great honor to produce some special piece for them.
Zuzička is a very special person in my life.
She has a special gift.Her smile is so contagious,that everytime you are in her neer,you feel so good and you just have to smile.
She is full of possitive energy and spreads it all around her.
I ´m happy I can be her friend, because She helped me a lot and the month on Sri Lanka with her was just amazing and full of adventures.
Thank You Zuzička for being the best fish I know !

Zuzička Stromková is a very good and successfull freeskier from Slovakia.She is also a very talented photographer with a good sence for details. You can follow Zuzi and Her achievements here on her profesional site:http://zuzanastromkova.sk/

I know Zuzička loves to spend time on the mountains and also surfing in the waves,so I made her a special model of my hand-painted shoes with a mountain on the one side and a big wave on the otherside. With these shoes I would like to say Thank you for your support Zuzi and  all the nice moments we spend together and I ´m looking forward to travel together again.
Because u know..."More čekuj ten o-ceááán...!"